EDF in Corsica aren’t known for their punctuality so just to cover all bases, we decided to head up to the village early, have a spot of lunch, collect some fruit from the garden and hope that they turn up eventually!
It wasn’t quite time for lunch, so we wandered through the village for a little while, admiring the old stone houses and being nosy in the window of one that is currently undergoing renovation. We soon found ourselves down by the church and the school.

It’s amazing that a village of this size has its own school, which still has the old signs above the door to segregate the boys and girls schools. Something caught my eye as we were walking past and I realised that someone was drying their washing on the balcony of the town hall – only in Corsica!
It really reminded me of one of the schools I went to which was an old fashioned annexe to the main part of the school. I started to feel really nostalgic, so it was time for an apero before lunch!
We chose the Restaurant ‘U Paese’ which has a fabulous terrace at the side, complete with original water fountain, but most importantly it is just opposite the house, so that if EDF turned up during the lunch hour (unlikely) or on time (just as unlikely!) we could easily leap into the road and flag them down. The set menu at 12.50€ for three courses was superb value; a feuillette of cheese and spinach, followed by chicken in a sauce and a delicious chestnut cake for dessert – yum!
At 1:50pm, we decided to wander over and pick some of the fruits from the garden. There were so many plums on the tree that some of the branches had actually snapped under the weight. The limes weren’t quite ripe, so that’s a good excuse to pop back again in a couple of weeks…
Oh, by the way – little gold star for Philippe from EDF who turned up at 14:03. A miracle in itself, so worth a mention!
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