We’d decided to head down to Tizzano for a change. We headed down to the port area and although the restaurants filled with colourful flowers lining the water front were busy, there was hardly a soul by the water.

We walked along the new port area ogling all the boats. I was amazed at how shallow the water seemed (although it’s true that the bigger boats were moored further out). My favourite was an old wooden fishing boat right at the end with an array of rods perched against the back

It wasn’t long before our attention was caught by the line of fishing nets drying in the sunshine. We wondered if there would be any treasures to be found trapped amongst the lines, but the most impressive thing was the huge spider crab we saw floating closeby.

The little beach here was bordered with a line of tiny broken shells washed up against the shore, which made it look almost dirty from afar, so as we are so picky about our photos, we decided to head back to the other end of the town.

We settled ourselves on the sand but the sun was scorching so it wasn’t long before we were dying for a quick dip in the briny (doesn’t sound quite the same when you’re talking about the southern Mediterranean, does it?).

Unfortunately, there was a cluster of tiny jellyfish. Although I know the remedy for jellyfish stings, we didn’t have any men/boys with us so as my directional aim is not quite so good (and I didn’t have a handy bottle of vinegar in my beach bag), I decided to stay in the shallows where I could see what was in there with me!

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