The first place I came to was the shop selling hand made musical boxes. They come in all shapes and sizes and even animal shapes that I knew would appeal to various nieces, but unfortunately my purse started protesting at the price so maybe another time.

Next, I made the mistake of following some tourists who clearly didn’t know where they were going (neither did I obviously) and ended up at the auditorium, so I took a path up to the left. I was quite concerned that I’d arrived in someone’s garden, but it turned out to be the front of the Hotel u Palazzu which is an impressive old building. I’d always wondered where that was!

From here, the path leads back down to the church and I was able to get a fabulous photo over the rooftop, before heading up past the ceramics workshop to the view point at the other end of the village.

Check out the cat – cat on a hot tin roof spring to mind?
This view point actually looks out over the covered terrace of the A Casarella café/snack bar where we stopped on a previous visit. They make all sorts of simple but tasty snacks and lunches and the terrace is gorgeous, but I love the quirky interior and the ice creams the best!

OK, so the parking is a bit steep if, like me, you only want to stay a short time (2€ for the day), but I am sure that if I had more time, I’d be able to make it worthwhile!

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