We used to go to the river quite often when Guillaume was little to catch frogs and even to swim (there is a little sandy beach just next to the river), but I haven’t been there for ages.

We were both relatively unfit after a winter of inactivity, so the prospect of our usual walk along the chemin de Fozzano filled us both with dread, and we were bored of the chemin des Plages so we decided to try the packed earth track behind the Spina Cavallu bridge.

Spina Cavallu is a Genoese bridge dating back to the 13th century which most famously withstood the exceptional floods of 1993 when many other bridges were washed away, and a young girl called Rosa tragically lost her life.

These days, you can either cross via the bridge or the causeway depending on water levels. At the moment the river is full and very fast flowing so the causeway is completely covered but I tend to cross via the bridge anyway as the cows prefer the causeway and I am terrified of them!

The walk itself is low impact and great if you have kids with you who want to bring their bikes. Dogs are a bit of a no-no as there are often sheep who are easily ‘worried’. We’ve spotted all sorts of things such as ram horns and even a baby lamb that couldn’t have been more than a few hours old.
Best of all at this time of year are the spring flowers.

The mimosas are finally coming to the end of their season and the bright yellow bobble flowers aren’t quite so impressive now, but today was the first time that I could smell the maquis, which is a sure sign that spring is on the way - HURRAH!

We were both relatively unfit after a winter of inactivity, so the prospect of our usual walk along the chemin de Fozzano filled us both with dread, and we were bored of the chemin des Plages so we decided to try the packed earth track behind the Spina Cavallu bridge.

Spina Cavallu is a Genoese bridge dating back to the 13th century which most famously withstood the exceptional floods of 1993 when many other bridges were washed away, and a young girl called Rosa tragically lost her life.

These days, you can either cross via the bridge or the causeway depending on water levels. At the moment the river is full and very fast flowing so the causeway is completely covered but I tend to cross via the bridge anyway as the cows prefer the causeway and I am terrified of them!

The walk itself is low impact and great if you have kids with you who want to bring their bikes. Dogs are a bit of a no-no as there are often sheep who are easily ‘worried’. We’ve spotted all sorts of things such as ram horns and even a baby lamb that couldn’t have been more than a few hours old.
Best of all at this time of year are the spring flowers.

The mimosas are finally coming to the end of their season and the bright yellow bobble flowers aren’t quite so impressive now, but today was the first time that I could smell the maquis, which is a sure sign that spring is on the way - HURRAH!

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