For 2 people;
- 100g Smoked Salmon chopped
- Large onion chopped
- 35g grated gouda or cheddar cheese
- 20g grated parmesan cheese
- 20cl cream **
- 400g gnocchi
Soften the onion over a low heat with a splash of oil. Once they are soft, add the salmon and stir until cooked. Add the cream and leave for a few minutes. Add the grated cheese and parmesan, making sure the mixture doesn’t stick (you should see the odd bubble but don’t boil). Keep over a very low heat whilst you plunge the gnocchi into fiercely boiling water. They should cook in 1-2 minutes and you’ll know there are done when they float to the surface. Add the gnocchi to the sauce and mix well. Goes particularly well with broccoli.
** If you’re like me and cream is too rich/naughty, you can use one of the 3% fat cream substitute, Apro Soya or similar.
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