We decided to bypass the better known main site and head down to Capula. It took a little while as Guillaume wanted to collect all sorts of bits of twigs and moss for his collages and explore the taffoni (rocks shaped over the centuries by the wind), but it was a lovely stroll until we reached the field in front of the Chapelle St. Laurent where we were ambushed by a herd of cows sunbathing in the long grass.
Cows are a regular feature in this blog as I am terrified of them, but they tend to creep up on me during my adventures! Heart in my throat I was really brave and crossed the field, eyes forward in case I made eye contact and they wanted to make friends.
Unfortunately the little chapel was locked so the only way to see inside was to crouch down and peer through the ‘windows’ in the thick walls, but amazing I managed to get a decent photo without getting my arms stuck!
The chapel dates back to the 20th century, but was built with the stones of another ancient chapel dating back to the 13th century. From here there are two choices – Capula or the ruins of a 15th century Roman church. We decided to head down to the ruins which was a well marked route but found it a bit long with a little one, so we headed back after about quarter of an hour and pick up the route back to car park.
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