That said, I am a great believer in providing your body with the best quality you can where food is concerned. I cook every day (even when the temperatures are above the mid thirties as they are today), and I think it’s a false economy to buy ready meals from the supermarket. It was this slight foodie obsession that led me to the Fromagerie l’Eternu at Arbellara.

My friend Patricia who is very into all things BIO (organic) mentioned over lunch that she’d been helping out at a local cheese producer who not only makes all her own cheeses, but butter, liqueurs, jams and pickled vegetables – sounds like a full time job to me!

We decided to take a trip up to see for ourselves, and I was in absolute hog’s heaven. They let us try all the cheeses and explained that although most cheeses in Corsica are of the ‘Brebis’ variety (sheep's milk), they’d recently got two cows called Fleurette & Marguerite so that they could experiment with cows milk and also a mix of the two.

Apparently, Fleurette & Marguerite have now had a baby, so I found myself hoping that organic veal wouldn’t be added to the list of produce, but they were so excited about their new arrival, I felt sure they wouldn’t be on the dinner table any time soon!

Natacha, the ‘Fromagiere’ was absolutely lovely and reminded us all of Heidi. She showed us the store rooms and even the upper part of the building where the cheeses are made and then smoked. The smell was heavenly, and it was no surprise we all left clutching bags!!

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