It was a bit of a strange morning; hot and sunny but with fluffy white clouds over the northern side of the bay, and a real heat haze over the southern side, so I decided to try the Arena Bianca beach, and hope that I could find a nice big chunk of blue sky.

The sky had a slightly pink tinge to it as a result of the heat haze which was great in the end because the combination of rock plates and sand under the water gave it a very greenish colour and the contrast was quite amazing.

I really wanted to try out the zoom (x20) which was more than double the range of my old faithful Canon. It was absolutely amazing how clear the images were even at a distance, and I was able to be really nosy and check out the collection of huge yachts leaving the bay at close quarters.

I also managed to pick out some snorkelers closer to the coast, which again I don’t think I would have got such clarity with the old camera.

The evening found me out and about again, this time on the Plage Mancinu. I’d been walking on the Route de Baracci and the sunset was just so amazing with the sailing boats moored in the bay that I just had to stop – one more reason why I always have a camera on me!

So, how does the new Canon SX20 compare with my old A700? Well in the words of Terry Jacks ‘goodbye to you my trusted friend’ – the old camera has already been relegated to the clutter basket in the kitchen!
♪♪ We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
Da da dah, da da dah
Were just seasons out of time ♪♪
Or something like that anyway!

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