Porto Pollo is one of those places where there are lots of little paths and passageways that give access onto the beach. I chose the first one as you arrive in the village and there was a beautiful snapshot of paradise. Can you imagine living in one of these beachside houses? What a perfect spot.

The water was gently lapping the shore and the only other sound was children laughing and playing further down the beach. I hadn’t bought my swimming gear, so I had to content myself with paddling with rolled up trouser legs!!
I walked along as far as the restaurants (and even had a nosey on the terraces as they are closed for the season), then up to the main road and back towards the car.

It is at this point that the Mare e Monti footpath starts (or finishes!) and from here you can walk up to Serra di Ferro cross country. I’d seen the markers earlier in the year but like today, it was too hot to tempt me to do the 40-45 minute each way walk.

For me, one of the landmarks of Porto Pollo is the house with the blue shutters. A huge granite house of the traditional style, this one is larger than all the others in the village and is beautifully kept with Bougainvillea trailing over the gateposts and lovely flowered gardens.

Just next door were some goats that caught my attention. The babies were really cute – even when one of them tried to eat the cord of the camera while I was taking photos through the fence, but it was the daddy goat (is it called a Billy?) who was most impressive.

Look at the size of those horns – wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that!!
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