The track was surprisingly busy so we parked up and decided to go the rest of the way on foot. It’s a packed dirt track, so ideal for walking, but the 4x4’s do tend to bomb along at a terrific pace, so do be prepared to leap into the hedge at a moments notice or get your dust masks out!

The headland is very rocky in stark contrast to the beautiful sandy beaches at the other end of the village. It was 36 degrees by the time we arrived – 5:30pm – so once we’d hacked our way through the maquis ‘Indiana Jones’ style I was seriously tempted to take a dip but I knew once I took my walking shoes off, I’d never get them back on again.

We found some pretty little flowers and plants clustered amongst the rocks, and equally interesting flora and faura in the numerous rock pools. I spotted some huge boulders and was sure that the views from the top would be worthwhile so I clambered up, only to find that getting down wasn’t so easy!

We sat on the rocks by the shallows to admire the view, and we spotted a fabulous yacht hugging the coastline. I know I’m not really a boat person, but still…
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