All the way there I didn’t see one sign or notice to confirm that it was taking place, yet as I got nearer there were people all over the place carrying bags of goodies so I knew it was on. The neighbouring fields had been opened up as temporary car parks, so there was no problem to park.

The stalls themselves are many and varied, but all local artisans. I saw charcuterie, local wine and aperitifs, cheeses, fruit, jams and honey as well as bread and of course the delicious beignets (tiny doughnuts). The smells were heavenly and visitors are encouraged to try before buying, but the lady on the biscuit stand had the ultimate endorsement for her own produce as all the time I was there she didn’t stop eating them once!

As well as traditionally made foodstuffs, the fayre attracts a good number of artists and craftsmen such as jewellers – I bought a beautiful pendant which was made of glass washed by the sea to give a smooth texture, handmade wooden puzzles and toys, needlework bags and bedspreads and even a lady weaving baskets on the floor.

This was the 15th annual fayre and each year the tombola is held in aid of a local cause. Joseph Istria sadly lost most of his donkeys during a recent fire which is not only terribly sad, but will also impact hugely on his livelihood. Joseph himself was present as always, offering donkey rides to the children on his remaining donkeys, and some loaned by friends for the occasion.

This was obviously a huge draw for families. The little ones had a lovely time stroking the donkeys with mum and dad taking photos, but those who actually took a ride, came back with huge grins from ear to ear!
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